Dreams, Faith, and Stranger Things
Robert McCullar
6 x 0.34 x 9 inches
146 pages
November 3, 2022
Kindle, Paperback
Dreams, Faith, and Stranger Things is actually a conglomerate of four short books.
The first short book is Dreams, Faith, and Stranger Things. "Dreams" were dreams that while I was asleep came true as soon as I woke up. "Faith" is about my spiritual experiences with God, accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, repenting from my sins (which were many), being water baptized, and being baptized by the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues as well as having two encounters with angels. "Stanger Things" are the very evil malevolent events in my life (Ephesians 6:10-18).
The second short book is John Said, "I Don't Have to Go to Church to Worship God!" Jane Said, "I Do Have to Go to Church to Worship God!" John keeps producing different excuses not to go to church. Jane produces many reasons to attend church. Finally, Jane hands everything over to God through the power of prayer and sets the correct example by attending church regularly (Joshua 24:15).
The third short book is The Doctrine of the Trinity. Many, Christians today don't understand who their God really is! Do we have one God, or do we have three separate Gods? The Trinity is defined as "one God in three Persons." This third book was written so that you will truly understand the truth about the Trinity (Matthew 3:13-17; 28:18-20; John 14:26).
The fourth short book is Crowns. From tyrants throughout history to King Saul and King David, from Stephen, the first Christian martyr after the crucifixion of Christ, to the five heavenly crowns, from the crown of thorns to all crowns being laid down before the throne of Almighty God (Revelation 4:3-5, 9-11).